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Author name: leadswebdev

It is easy to overlook common foot and ankle conditions. What are some ways to manage such conditions to ensure you start the new year on the right foot?

Bunions, or hallux valgus, are a common condition where bony protrusions develop at the base of the big toe when it deviates towards the other toes, causing the joint to stick out.

It is easy to overlook common foot and ankle conditions. What are some ways to manage such conditions to ensure you start the new year on the right foot? Read More »

Injuries like ankle sprains can happen more easily than we might expect – especially during the busy holiday season. How can we prevent and treat them?

As this holiday month fills with the hustle and bustle of travel and holiday gatherings with all the festivities to come, it’s easy to forget to take proper self care, including in our movements !

Injuries like ankle sprains can happen more easily than we might expect – especially during the busy holiday season. How can we prevent and treat them? Read More »

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